Sponsor A Child - I am preparing a major article for this Kenyan lady called Wairimu. She has a soul of gold, taking care of 74 orphans. Her story is phenomenal! The past 2 weeks I been talking to her, getting an insight to her work, understanding her vessel of strength and inspiration.
Pauline Wairimu & Some Of Her Children

This morning she sent me pictures and videos of kids who need help. 13 of them joined Form 1 and she has taken care of all their requirements. Remaining are 7 pupils who joined class 8. Here is their list of requirements;
1; School Fees - 5,800kshs/ $58
2; Trousers - 850kshs/$8.50
3; Shirt - 600kshs/$6
4; Tie - 100kshs/$1
5; Socks - 150kshs/$1.50
Look, we are putting these kids to class! I appeal to you all to chip in, wa peni, wa noti, anybody. Wairimu, I don’t have words to describe her heart. You can forward your donations to her MPESA number;
Full Names - Pauline Wairimu Wathimu
Mpesa No. - +254729655393
I will feature more of her stories on www.voicesoftheoppressed.com.
I will drop some videos on the comments section.
Twende kazi!
Nelson K-Nel Muriuki
President & Founder
Voices Of The Oppressed