I have documented cases of oppression in Gulf for 6 years now. My call for safety and protection, salary increment, respect of every Kadama's human rights and regulated working hours for Domestic Workers has felt on deaf ears. Talk to Kadamas working in Saudi Arabia and you will hear them say "Agent wangu hashughuluki" or "Wangu ni kuni bluetick nikiwa na shida". Incidences of Kadamas being verbally abused by their agencies or "Brokers" is a common phenomenon.

A few weeks ago I received a message on my Facebook messenger. The lady introduced herself as "Violet". Her message read "Hello Nelson. Violet here. Am a recruitment specialist. Hit me up on +2547************ either on whatsapp or something. Let's talk, me and you can really help each other. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks." She then continued "I have been in recruitment for about 10 years now and am young. I resonate well with candidates. I come in peace. Trust me."
I immeaditely called Violet. The name "Mithamo" is common among recruitment agencies for obvious reasons. After a brief introduction, I went straight to the point "Violet, why #VOO? Why now?". She started by telling me how she wanted to travel to work as a domestic worker in Saudi Arabia back in 2009 but since she was not 21 years at the time, that effort did not succeed. That was the genesis of her journey in the recruitment industry. Then she told me "I want to be the game changer in this industry. I can make a change. I believe this is my calling." The words "game changer" got my attention. I reminded her of Nelson Mandela who is my mentor. "Do you know Nelson Mandela worked with the same people who put him in prison for 27 years?", I asked her. This was 2 personalities from 2 conflicting backgrounds namely an Agent and a Human Rights Activist. Can this formula work?
I have had numerous conversations with Violet trying to come up with a "game changing working structure" for the Kadamas. One thing was clear though: we both shared common views on a lot of issues affecting the Kadamas. Finally, we agreed to have a partnership between #VOO & her Agency "Jay-Horizons Travel Agency" setting better working conditions for Kadamas working under her firm. Here some bullet points for you:
1: Add a "Saudi Arabia jobs registration" portal on #VOO. This way, we will get rid of "Brokers". Click here to submit your application: https://bit.ly/saudi-jobs-application
2: Applications will be accepted for those who already have a passport. Violet explained the processing of the paperwork usually takes 4 weeks if one has a passport.
3: We both agreed that every Kadama who submits her application via #VOO website will receive an incentive of Kshs 15,000 as pocket money once she signs the contract. Another 15,000Kshs will be deposited as security in an emergecy fund (She will see which is the best Bank). Violet added that the Kadama will be assisted and the terms and conditions in the contract will be clearly explained. Note many Kadamas who leave for Saudi Arabia usually don't have any money and have to wait for 1 month until they receive their first salary. Others have signed contracts that they never read.
4: Ensure that every Kadama working under Jay-Horizons Travel Agency receives a SIM Card upon arrival loaded with bundles.
5: Welfare Check - Every Kadama in the #VOO portal working under Jay-Horizons Travel Agency will get a welfare check from us every 2,3 weeks to make sure everything is okey and that they are working in a safety enviroment. This welfare check will be for both the Kadama and the employer whose information will also be added in the database.
Violet flew to Saudi Arabia last week. Talking to her last night on a video conference I asked her "What does "JAY" stand for in your company's name?" She replied "That's my son." I added "The same treatment you would wish your son to get, is the same treatment we want for every Kadama. They are our children!"
I need to work in Poland am tired working in Saudi Arabia assist me to get one chance there
what about salary ?