Two words that define my personality are "transparency & accountability". Being a public figure and being in the limelight is a blessing and a curse. But let me set the record straight: if you need 3 extra Youtube followers, put my name on it and it's a jackpot, chiching chiching! But as the saying goes, empty debes make the loudest noise and especially when you are a broke, desparate "Bonoko Evangelist" like Lorna Jepkoech!
A Happy And Jovial Kwamboka During Our Recent #VOO Mission Trip To Her Home

After cutting her off my #VOO TV production in Kenya, the so called "woman of God" famous for her past life as a prostitute, crack cocaine addict, alcoholic and a Bhangi seller's best client, grew so bitter with my decision that she quickly started spreading bogus allegations on her "mini Youtube channel". Desparate, she shared the videos on facebook groups, but the backlash she faced on social media and her own youtube platform has completely ruined her expectations. It's Interesting when people need your help and begging, they will flatter you with terms such as "Papa", "Kiongozi", "Mkubwa". Right "muijilisti"?
Pacifica Kwamboka And Her Husband Jeremiah Ondieki

Yesterday her allegations reached an all time point of desparation. I was informed by my team of an audio she had recorded talking to Kwamboka. When the name "Kwamboka" is mentioned, everything moving in my world stops! The Bonoko Youtube Evangelist was again trying to prove a bogus point "Kwamboka never received any funds and I never helped her." Wait a minute: When did I ever say I paid for Kwamboka's flight?" Well, that's not the major point but one thing that this broke, pathetic, Bonoko Evangelist forgot, I keep a record of every dime I put in my movement. #VOO is like my church where I tithe and give my entire offerings. In simple english, a total of 76, 821kshs have already been pumped into Kwamboka's project which is clearly broken down as follows:
76,821 Kshs Spent On "Project Kwamboka", A Total Of 150,771Kshs Last 3rd Quarter

You Can Download The #VOO 3rd Quarter Expense Sheet Below
1: A sum of 10,321kshs was my first deposit to ensure she has some business capital.
2: A sum of 51,000kshs which I distributed for our #VOO mission trip last month. This amount includes 35,000kshs that I deposited directly to the Matatu driver, other funds went to Daisy, the cereal distributor and the rest went towards production of merchandise for the team and Kwamboka and her husband.
3: Just yesterday, I deposited 5,500Kshs directly to Kwamboka's husband, Jeremia Ondieki which went towards the kids school fees. Her husband had informed me mid last week that 2 of their children were sent home due to lack of school fees and I promised on Monday, both will be back in class. A promise I made, I promise I kept!
4: A group of Kenyans in Gulf had joined hands and raised a total of 10,000kshs. That money I was informed had been deposited to Kwamboka's mpesa account.
My #VOO team in Kenya reached out to Kwamboka via the phone. She explained how naive she was and never knew Bonoko Evangelist had evil intentions and was even recording their conversation. She apologized. Soon thereafter, Kwamboka and her husband called Muijilisti and ordered her to pull the video down or quote "tutakushtaki." Later during the day I called Kwamboka and her husband and we had a lengthy conversation. Words cannot express their dissapointment and anger but my closing statement to them was "There is God in Heaven! Mungu awapatia amani. Tutaendelea kuwasaidia. Huyu Shetani hatutishi." (Let me spare you some words Kwamboka's husband uttered). Let me add that even Kwamboka's own mother has just called me a few minutes ago. More coming.
Last Friday I made it clear that someone will have to sell her kidneys! Muijilisti, my lawyers tried to reach you via phone the entire monday. You know what's going on, you know what's up!!! Now go and record "part 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10." Deep waters move in majestic silence! Grrrrrrrrrrr......
Lorna should apologize and walk away peacefully,,,the beauty of everything is a soul was saved and reunited with the family,,that above all is enough to overlook any lose end that may have occurred,,for you mr.nelson play forgiveness,you have alot awaiting you,,you have done great jobs,,just voicing alone is enough credit,, blessings